Echelon Health and Fitness is a family owned gym that is rooted in their local community. Part of their involvement takes place with the MemberPERX program, where local business can be featured by offering a discount to the gym’s members. One benefit to this program is a free membership for the owner or manager of the business. They also receive one month of Thrive personal training when they enroll in PERX.
Stanton & Silverman Dentistry
This dental office, located right here on White Horse Road, is known for warm and individualized care. They offer services including dental cleaning. Orthodontics, whitening, and much more. Stanton & Silverman is a perfect fit for PERX with their close proximity to the gym and its members.
Sydney Silverman is 77 years young. Why? Because at that age, walking outside and being active is a success. Sydney is surpassing that by training 3 times per week with Thrive Personal Training at Echelon.
On a weekly basis, Sydney continues to make the choice to keep his body as young as possible with the right kind of training for him.

Sydney also never cancels a training session. Three times a week: Monday at 3:45 pm, Wednesday at 9:15 am, and Friday at 9:15 am. Sydney is at the gym 30 minutes early properly preparing for his training session. This keeps his body feeling young and allows him to be the healthiest and happiest version of himself.
“Sydney is an inspiration to so many here at Echelon as he brings laughter, fun, excitement, life experiences, and most importantly EFFORT to every single training session,” said Trey Severs, Thrive coach at Echelon Health & Fitness.
“I have an unbelievable amount of respect for my client / friend Sydney Silverman. Just like others he deals with life on life’s terms but knows what works for him, and that’s training. Sydney is a man with a ton of life experiences that allows myself and so many clients / friends to learn from on a daily basis. One thing we can always count on Sydney for is a great laugh, as he always has a great joke on deck. Thank you!” he continued.
To learn more about MemberPERX and our Hybrid Corporate Wellness Program click here.