Our mission is to help our community, PERX Partners and their team to become healthier, fitter and stronger by providing programs that get results with an awesome facility that is super clean and safe!
Yes, COVID has been horrific on all us including Echelon Health & Fitness, but we made a commitment to improve our club and our members experience! So, we have reinvested back into our club to help improve our members experience.
Since the COVID lock down we have added or ordered the following...
1) New Turf & Functional Training Area

2) New Outside workout area “Lotta Gains” Painted lot! We now have the best Outside Workout area in South Jersey!

3) New Sound System for the Outside workout area “Lotta Gains”
4) New Cedar wood for our Dry Sauna.

5) New Tiles for the steam rooms. 6) Painted Kids Club and Studio A 7) New Lifting Platform
8 ) New Ab Coaster

9) New Booty Coaster

10) 20 New Spin Bikes
11) 3 New HydroMassage Lounges

12) New Med Balls for the Thrive Area

13) New Dumbbells for the Thrive Area
14) 90lb & 100lb Dumbbells
15) Precor Hack Squat - 3 to 4 weeks

16) Precor Prone Leg Curl - 3 to 4 weeks

17) Painted the Pool!

18) New Body Pump Equipment- We now can have up to 34 Members in our Outside Body Pump.

19) Members have saved over $9,300 using our MemberPERX program, and at same time supporting local businesses during the pandemic!

Not a member? Grab a 7 day guest pass
#votedbestgym4yearsinarow #memberperx #alwaysimproving #fcovid #echelonhealthandfitness #Thrive #Lottagains #programsthatgetresults
In general, it's interesting how different chains deal with lockdown recovery. For example, Planet Fitness has reviews of their clubs and service too, which can be found at https://planet-fitness.pissedconsumer.com/customer-service.html. It's good when fitness facilities really care about the comfort and safety of their visitors.