Integrating wellness into the workplace is an increasing trend seen to improve company culture. However, it can often be difficult to justify taking the time to implement a wellness plan. Many studies have looked at the benefits of these programs and how they can have a profound impact on your company as a whole.
Check out the top three reasons why a wellness plan can help your company succeed.
Employee Engagement

Around 85% of employers said that a wellness program had a positive effect on employee engagement, recruitment, and retention. This was found in a study by Virgin Pulse that polled thousands of HR professionals across the country.
85% of employees reported that their top reason for participating in a wellness program was for stress relief, which exercise has been shown to play a major role.
Return on Investment

A systematic review of programs by the Community Preventive Services Task Force looked at Health risk assessment programs along with health education and feedback. They found that there was strong evidence to show improvement in one or more health behavior including reducing blood pressure, tobacco use, and cholesterol.
Health intervention programs also were shown to reduce both productivity losses and medical costs. For every $1 spent on these programs, employers regained anywhere from $1.40 to $4.60 in these areas.
Improve Market Valuation

In a report published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, researchers concluded that:
“This study supports prior and ongoing research demonstrating a higher market valuation—an affirmation of business success by Wall Street investors—of socially responsible companies that invest in the health and well-being of their workers when compared with other publicly traded firms.”
Although results are not immediate, creating a long term plan can have a lasting impact on your company.
While there are even more benefits to these kinds of programs, having a curriculum that works for your office is essential. Echelon Health & Fitness offers customizable classes to meet the needs of any business, small or large.
To learn more about Echelon’s unique hybrid corporate wellness program visit our website.
What kind of classes would you like to see at your office? Let us know in the comments.